

Collectorate plays a pivotal role in District administration. Collector in the Cadre of I.A.S heads the District. He acts as District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order under his jurisdiction. Collector deals mainly with revenue collection from land, planning and development, law and order, scheduled areas/agency areas, general elections, arms licensing etc. Under his administrative control, Additional Collectors are there who belong to Bihar Administrative Service Cadre holding superior charges of Revenue administration under various enactments in the District. who is also designated as Additional District Magistrate. ADM mainly remains in Super Charge w.r.t. civil supplies, land revenue matters, mines and minerals, circle officers etc. Deputy Devlopment Commisioner belongs to IAS Cadre or Senior B.A.S. Cadre officer who looks after various developmental activities pertaining to development blocks and various departments. Major departments being looked after by DDC are District Medical and Health Department, Social Security Department, BC Welfare, BC Corporation, Housing and Other Departments. Additional Collector(Ceiling) belongs to the B.A.S. Cadre who has to look after various cases related to Land Ceiling issues. Additional Collector(Naxal) is the other key persion looking after various developmental activities as regards to Naxal affected district. The Major departments looked after by these officers also include Disaster Management and Other Departments. Under these ADM there are other Sr. Dy. Collectors from Biha Administrative cadre who happen to function as Officer In-Charge of Various Sections of Collectorate, viz. Arms, Establishment, Nazareth, Legal, General Section etc.